Learning Curriculum – In School & Online

Programs by Age Group


Our Toddler Program is designed for children, infants to 2 years of age. By using our “Frog Street” curriculum, we provide toddlers with activities that allow them the flexibility to experience social relationships with children their age; to explore and learn about the world around them. 

Classroom space and materials are designed to support a toddler’s need to physically explore, discover and to gain independence. Toddlers are encouraged to participate in daily routines to develop self-help skills and to feel good about themselves. They are introduced to basic colors, shapes, numbers, songs, rhymes and sign language. Activities provide repeated opportunities with sensory experiences that help develop muscle within the body, while promoting thinking and communication skills.

Staff Members reinforce positive behaviors, set limits and are consistently available to support the toddler’s conflicting need for independence and comfort. Evaluations at this age are developmental milestone checklists and a yearly portfolio.


This program is for preschool children from 3 to 4 years of age. Each teacher uses the curriculum as a foundation for lesson plans and then individually tailors those lessons to fit the needs of children in their classroom, while providing an educational ands emotionally stable learning environment. Lesson plans incorporate all developmental areas including language, pre-reading, pre-writing, math, science, music, movement, cognitive development, large/small motor skills and social community development.

Classroom space and materials are organized in distinct interest centers to support young preschoolers’ initiative to practice their new skills, testing things out and express their ideas and feelings. Centers are set up to encourage children to select activities, engage in hands-on exploration and develop the ability to play cooperatively. Small motor skills and hand-eye coordination continue to be strengthened through art, sand and water play, as well as work with manipulative toys and blocks.

Language arts activities are used to increase familiarity with the meaning of letters and words (emerging literacy) and to foster ideas of reading as a fun activity. Playground space and various outside activities provide your child with fresh air and the freedom for more active play. Evaluations at this age are, a yearly portfolio and developmental milestones checklists.

K-2 Program

Using creative tools geared specifically for this age group, your child will learn math, language arts and learn to read. The addition of social studies and science will balance their curriculum. 

 Activities are the key and keeping these little minds active is our number one task. There is so much to learn and our staff ensures that the entire process of learning is engaging and fun for your child.

Staff Members reinforce positive behaviors, set limits and are consistently available to support the toddler’s conflicting need for independence and comfort. Evaluations at this age are developmental milestone checklists and a yearly portfolio.

Please contact us to learn more about our curriculum and how it will benefit your child.

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